Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 15, Thursday May 26th

Today we actually alone got up at the planned time. Haha. We left around 9 A.M. And headed to the Jokulsarlon glacial lagoon and the Vatnagokull glacier. I have never felt so much wind in my life. It was so strong and fierce. It made me feel strong walking through it because I had to work harder to walk. It took us around 4 hours to walk close to the glacier and back. The wind blew pounds of dust I my eyes. Thankfully, I had my glasses! It was one of the roughest weather conditions I have ever been in. It wasn't raining thank the lord. The sun was out and shining bright. It was cold only because the wind was so strong. It was beautiful to see all the seals swimming together. I saw two playing together and splashing. There were lots of different colors of rocks. Many were weathered. I could see many went through freezing and thawing. Our group naturally split up as we made our way close to the glacier.
I was in the group that got there first. I can't describe how beautiful the glacier was. The ice floating in the water was stunning. No words can do the landscape here justice. On our long trek back to the bus,the sand was harshly blowing on my wind burned face. I have noticed that when I am walks for hiking back down a mountain or walking back from a long walk, I'm usually super tired. But I somehow muster up enough energy to run back. It's like all I want to do is be done with it. As much as I had fun or as much as I have learned, I just want to be done. I did that today, but it was near impossible because of the wind. I tried though. I was unbelievably happy to get back in the bus. I had sand all over my face and eyes. I was burning up so I yanked my jacket off and went to the bathroom. Speaking of the bathroom, I led near the glacier. It was my new best view yet.
It's currently 11:20 pm. I am exhausted even though I took a 3 hour nap earlier. There is a long hike scheduled for tomorrow so I'm off to my cozy green sleeping bag!

The glacier!

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