Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 17, Saturday May 28th

Today I'm so exhausted. We said a final goodbye to our 5th hostel around 8:30 AM. We headed to our 6th hostel. We stopped around 12 to look at the Reynisfjar black sand beach. It was beautiful. There were a lot of columnar basalts and very unique rock formations. Some looked like shredded paper. Ranson said they were probably formed by freezing and thawing. It was the most unique looking rock features I have seen.
We drove a little ways and made it to the hostel. We made lunch under the bus. I made a pb&j sandwich of course. That has been my usual lunch. I also smashed paprika chips in my sandwich and it was so delicious. I also went crazy and "leave no trace" minded and kept picking the chips that people were dropping and eating them. Because why not right? Haha I was very satisfied.
After lunch, we walked to the start of the hike behind our hostel. The start was a large, magnificent waterfall. The hike starts by walking up 527 steps to the top of the waterfall. We hiked for around 4 1/2 hours. It was a very difficult hike but I love feeling the pain and pushing myself. I was so tired and sore by the end. The landscape was lush and green. I can't imagine what it looks like later in the summer. I saw columnar basalt formations a little bit as well. I love the different shades of green.
I am very worn out. I'm feeling a lot of emotions but am trying to stay positive and upbeat. I'm excited to take the ferry to the Westman Islands tomorrow. I love the ocean. This trip has proved more to me how much I love the ocean and the beach, as much as the mountains. I feel at home in both places.
I'm so thankful for this opportunity. I feel behind grateful to able to go on this trip. I will never forget the group and all our funny grand adventures.

The steps going up!

Some of the views on our hike:

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